Nitrox Diver Speciality
From $170
Do you want to extend your in-water dive time? Do you want to gain a better understanding of decompression and use a gas that will allow you to do that?
The answers to these two simple questions are the reason why nitrox is the most popular diver specialty in the industry. Nitrox has proved to be so popular within the diving community that many dive centers offer only nitrox as their breathing gas.
Nitrox use has many benefits for sport divers. But most divers use nitrox because it helps better manage the risk of decompression sickness. In the Nitrox course, you will learn the pros and cons of using nitrox as a breathing gas for sport diving.
You will learn new skills and extend your diving knowledge, including information such as why nitrox is often a better choice than air. Most importantly, this course will teach you how to plan nitrox dives, what you have to do to stay safe when you use nitrox, and how to analyze and label dive cylinders so that there is never a mix-up.

Program Content
During the Nitrox program, you will complete the online academics and learn the following:
How to use nitrox mixes from 22%-40% oxygen
How to plan dives to a planned maximum PO2 of 1.4 bar and a contingency PO2 of 1.6 bar
What the causes and effects of oxygen toxicity are and how to avoid them
How to safely analyze the oxygen content in a nitrox mix and know the depths at which you can use it
How to label your nitrox cylinder appropriately
How to fill in a nitrox log
What the benefits of enriched oxygen are for sport divers
Note: Two open water dives may be offered by your instructor for this program, but these dives are not mandatory.
​To be able to complete the Nitrox Speciality Course, you will be required to:
Complete your online training course final exams.
Certified RAID Open Water 20 or equivalent.
Complete the RAID registration procedures.
Be a minimum of 12 years old.
Obtain guardian permission, if a minor.
Ready to take a breath of enriched air?
Give Perth Diving Academy a call today to enquire about our next available Nitrox Course!
Courses run sporadically, so don't worry if you don't see one available on our website - we may be able to accommodate one for you.
These courses only take a few hours to complete so you could be finished by lunchtime!

Our simple mission is to create safe, enthusiastic divers who always have an enjoyable experience at Perth Diving Academy.